Snippets for #javascript
Simple javascript cache
How to create a basic javascript cache
Hono Server Sent Events
How to Server Sent Events with Hono
Kiwi schema
How to use Kiwi schema
Metadata API
How to create a simple api to get metadata from a url
Basic Permissions Class
A simple class to manage permissions
Authorization with Pundit
Pundit is a simple and powerful authorization library that allows you to define policies for your application.
QuickJS sandbox
A basic example on how to run user provided code in a sandbox in the browser with svelte
Get License from package.json
How to get and show the projects license from package.json
Server Sent Events with SvelteKit
How to use Server Sent Events with SvelteKit
Timelock encryption
Timelock encryption allows you to encrypt data that can only be decrypted after a certain time